About me
Thanks for seeking me out, and for wanting to learn a bit more about me.
I’m a lot of things, but first and foremost I am a writer. I suppose all writers say that they started when they were a child, and I’m no different. I’ve just always loved making up stories for myself, and I also love it when those stories connect with people.
I’m autistic, and I have had mental health issues my entire life. As I’ve gotten older I’ve also developed chronic physical health problems, too. It’s all fun and games here! Writing gives me a focus and a purpose in a world that, let’s face it, can be terrifying. There’s nothing better than escaping into a different time and place, into someone else’s point of view, to make life that much more bearable.
It did take me a while to fully commit to writing. I started an Arts degree in my early 20s, but was far too focused on partying at that age to get the work done. By the time I came back to it I was ready. I graduated with a degree in Literary Studies from Deakin University, and by then had a greater understanding and appreciation of literature, how it’s formed, and what it can do.
I’ve spent a lot of time studying at university, because I’m absolutely obsessed with learning. I have studied so many different subjects, including history and art history, archaeology, psychology, criminology, philosophy … the list goes on. If I could, I would pursue every single one of these disciplines, and have a career in them all. Unfortunately, that’s not possible, not just because I only have one lifetime, but because my autism makes certain activities harder than others. After the birth of my daughter, I decided to invest in the one thing that I love above all else: writing. In 2017 I completed my Masters of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing from the University of Melbourne, and since then have devoted my time to developing my skills.
My writing always comes back to women and their experiences, their desires, their needs and wants. It’s my eternal fascination. I love complex and difficult female characters. I love creating magic and writing about women with power, as we so often don’t have that power in real life.
I really do spend most of my time reading or writing. However, I also love art, and I make collages and various other craft projects. I love to travel, and always seek out art galleries and museums wherever I go. I can’t live without music. I watch a lot of TV and movies. I live on the edge of Melbourne with my husband and daughter, on a bush block that’s filled with birds, kangaroos, frogs, echidnas … not to mention spiders, snakes and any number of mysterious bugs. Although I love the city, and have spent a lot of time in it, these days I much prefer to be on my own, surrounded by nature. That said, I absolutely love connecting with other writers and artists and readers, both in person and online. You are my people.
Please feel free to drop me an email, or come and say hello to me on Instagram.